True Vine Church

Lent: 2017

2017 Lenten Letter

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. (Psalm 19: 14)


Greetings My Brothers & Sisters

Warm greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  


For many Christians around the world, Lent is a very special time in our lives. Many associate this season with ashes, giving up meat, chocolate, 40 days of sacrifice, etc. Lent is much more than that. Lent is a time when the whole Church follows Jesus into the desert for a 40-day. We reenact, is some shape or form, the challenges He faced.


One of the object of Lent is to reaffirm our baptismal commitment, reinforce our Christian identity and to draw closer to God and to one another. Having a plan for how to us these 40-days is essential to the Lenten Season. Many will try to attend church as often as they can (every Sunday). Some will try to be at every Wednesday Night Service and Sunday Worship Service. Some will give alms. Some will just let the season be like any other season in their lives (Just another day). Let me challenge ALL of us to get out of our comfort zones. Make this season a time to do the extra! Be INTENTIONAL about whatever you decide to do.


During Lent we relive the great mysteries of our Faith. We recall that Jesus died to save us from our sins. As Paul says: “God proves His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Rom. 5:8) The cross is a sign of His love for ALL of us. I pray that this Lent will be for all of us a time of “Spiritual Renewal” and a time “Revitalization” for us ALL.

May God bless you as we reflect on God’s gift to us and renew our commitment to God through this season of Lent.

Devotedly yours in Christ

Overseer Trevor D & Pastor Emma M. Alexander

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