True Vine Church

Advent Week Four 2013

Fourth Sunday of Advent Reflection

By Rev. Dr. Trevor D. Alexander

She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21

On this last Sunday of Advent, just a few days before Christmas, we reflect on the mystery. We REFLECT in awe and wonder that Jesus is about to enter into this world.  We take time out of our busy world to stop and REJOICE for the gift of Jesus. Yes, Jesus is the ultimate GIFT!

Jesus brings with Him, “…the Spirit of God” that will change and transform our lives. Jesus brings with Him the opportunity to renew our hearts and our minds.  Jesus is “EMMANUEL,
God with us.

Christmas Day is a very special day! We celebrate a birthday, but not just anybody’s birthday. It is Jesus’ Birthday! Jesus really is the reason for the season. This is not just a saying, it is true. Christmas is a special time of rejoicing.  Let mark this Fourth Sunday of Advent is a time of REJOCING as we are sitting on the edge of our seats for the now fast approaching birth of our SAVIOR.

Are you ready to join in on the celebration? Have you invited your friends to join you in the celebration?  Are you truly ready to celebrate Jesus as He enters into the world? Are you ready to receive all that the “Prince of Peace” brings with Him?  Just as Elizabeth’s baby leapt with joy, are you ready to leap at the knowledge that OUR Savior is about to come into this world?

The Forth Sunday of Advent also marks the fulfillment of His promise.  With the fulfillment of this promise we still struggle with “the already” and the “not yet.”    The struggle of the “already” and the “not yet” is within us. The questions we need to ask ourselves are “Have we fulfilled the promises we have made, or have we made some promises that have yet to fulfill?” As John the Baptist was the voice crying in the wilderness, we too must become the modern day voice proclaiming the way of the Lord.