True Vine Church

Pentecost Prayer 2013

O Lord and Father of the household of faith, we thank you for the gift of life, working within us by your Holy Spirit.  We thank you for having called us to Yourself, for consecrating us to Your service, for having set us apart at this time, to the ministry of prayer, and for lavishing on us all, gifts with which to worship, serve, and glorify You.  Lord, accept our praise and be pleased with our thanksgiving.

Father of this whole household of faith, we pray for the living body of Christ, the Church, Your represented here on the earth.  Lord, we pray for this Church, True Vine, that You will pour out your Spirit upon us and that we may experience, the height, the width, the depth, of Your love.  Give us genuine humility to serve You with gladness of heart.

Now Father we ask You to bless Your Church.  Bless Your Churches in Europe, in Africa, in the Middle East, in Asia, and in North and South America.  Bless Your Churches young and old, small and large, weak and strong. Through the help of the Holy Spirit, send Your truth where there is error and a godly wisdom where there is folly.

Let each part of this body have a heavenly lowliness, that Your purposes for our time are fulfilled.  O Lord and Father of the household of faith,

We pray for our stewards, managers, teachers and leaders across the world.  We pray for our leader, the instruments to which You’ve entrusted the affairs of Your house.  We pray for our pastors, church and lay leaders, for Elders, Ministers, and Deacons, our Church Mothers, for volunteers and committees.

Give them a spirit of willing service with true humility. Bless them with a greater sense of spiritual devotion. Enable them to delight in those whom they serve. And grant that they may lead Your people in the way of Jesus the Christ, Amen!!!